Wednesday, January 31, 2007


Catastrophic! For Who?

Thinking a bit more on my last post on CCC (Catastrophic Climate Change), I wanted to compile a list of Who would be visited by the catastrophic events and calamities now foretold by the climate scientists. And when these poor folks could expect the world as they know it to end.

My modest research had led me to believe that if the CCC goes in the direction predicted, a little bit of warming, then the world as a whole will be much better off.

Example; and I don't think I'm the first one to say this, The winter Cold and Flu season will be history. OK, so some drug companies have to bite the bullet on the bottom line when they can't sell a single dose of maximum strength "Get Rid of that Sickness" medicine. But I will trade the three colds (on average) that I get each winter, for being able to wear shorts into December, thank you very much! And the 300 Million or so folks who were supposed to die of some Bird, swine, or reptile flu strain, will be just fine.
Another winter problem we can all say goodbye to will be the painful, cracking of dry skin, brought on by the dry air that winter always brings. As someone who has to buy moisturizing lotion by the 55 gallon drum during Jan and Feb of each year, I can tell you I look forward to an uptick in the humidity numbers.

Okay, so some ponds and lakes won't freeze over. This is a good thing. How many times do you see on the news about some kids who wandered onto a semi-frozen pond and fell through the ice? This will never happen again. Sure Ice Fishing will need to include a trip up north to the Arctic circle, but I bet the fish will be bigger.

And what about all the oil and gas we won't have to burn to keep warm. Lower heat bills would seem to be a good thing. Sure Cooling costs will go up, but making electricity is far cleaner than burning oil and gas for heat.

Another big fear is rising water levels. Again, here the glass is half full. Think of all the ports that won't need costly dredging when the water rises. And all those rich people who own ocean front property, won't own anything, and the poor folks who lived a half mile from the shore will now have expensive property that they can sell to the rich folk. Talk about redistribution of wealth!!

My point through all this is, that even if the Climate is changing, the results don't necessarily have to be Catastrophic. Change is not always bad. Maybe the world will be a better place, focus on the positive.


Global Warming or Climate change?

I have been noticing lately that the doomsayers are changing their tune a bit. The general term "Global Warming" seems to be making a shift to "Climate Change", and "Catastrophic Climate Change".
From my own observations I think this is because you can make everyone afraid of any kind of change, but the word "warming" is just too friendly of a word. When you get a "Warm Welcome", a "Warm Smile", a warm chocolate chip cookie, a warm summer day, a warm and fuzzy feeling, Etc. Too many good things in life start with the word warm or warming. And on any cold winter day, you can hear everyone saying, "We could use a little warming", or "Bring on the warming already!"

So it's time to get everyone scared. I can just see these folks sitting around a table throwing scary words into a pile all related to Global Warming, and finally deciding on CCC. I mean the word Catastrophic by itself is enough to make everyone run for cover. While Climate is not too scary, it does sound a bit scientific, so as to give the phrase some validity. And of course the big guns..."CHANGE"!!
Everyone is scared of change, any change, anything that might upset their daily routine and spill the apple cart. Rather than try to explain this I will give you a test to try on your friends and family.
Invent a rumour, any rumour about something that is going to change. Example; The name of your town is going to change, the name of your street is going to change, your work or school hours are going to change, but when presenting it, don't give any negative connotations, just tell the made up rumour and everyone will immediately come up with 3 reasons why the change is BAD.
I look forward to your comments with your results.
Anyway, be prepared for more use of the term Catastrophic Climate Change (CCC), even the Acronym is great, since folks can start using really cool terms like "Triple C" or "C cubed" to talk about the issue.
Have a nice warm day, signing off with a warm smile, and a warm hug!

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